For the few of you who know me .. one thing is obvious .. my "girl"friends are very limited
So when one of the tiny number of girlfriends disappears .. i worry
I miss u amool! : (
I know we've never physically met *which sounds weird now that I say it out loud*
But i miss ur random bbm voice notes about the random guy u saw outside the store that pissed u off
I miss ur perfectly-timed phone calls where I would look at my phone .. see "Unknown" .. and know it was u the minute I hear a thick English accent with some bedouin Emarati lingo
I hate how our mutual friend msg me and ask me where u are and i don't have answer for them .. I don't know what to say .. so I reply by jokingly saying "You know Amool .. She'll show up soon!"
But now a few months later .. I dont know if I believe myself anymore ..
Amool .. I really hope you're ok .. and just know that whenever u need someone to talk to .. about anything .. I'm here for u .. the same way u were there for me the 1000s of times I needed a girlfriend to talk to