Seeing as time just DOESN'T stop or slow down for anybody .. here are my New Year's Resolutions:
- Worry less
- Be less scared and more confident
- Make monthly goals
- Create a vision board
- Finish room
- Try to be less materialistic (keyword: TRY)
- Save some money
- Keep smiling because if I show that you're happy, I might even trick yourself into believing it at the worst times
- Give 50% of my clothes to charity because really, overflowing closets doesn't mean I love what's in there
- Do one good deed a day
- Know that not everything is in my hands
- Never stop wishing - know that wishing doesnt mean it will actually happen
- Visit my father's side of the family at least once a month
- Be much more patient
- Help my mother more with her work
- Help my brother with his school work
- Keep in touch with the London division of my family
- Frame meaningful pictures and display them around the house
- Try to go on family vacations
- Leave stubborness aside
- Focus on the deals I'm getting
- Pass my CFA by studying and going to all my classes (and not be scared to ask questions)
- Take more notes
- Show my manager how responsible I can be
- Be confident enough to speak more at external meetings
- Take a deal to the next level
- Make it clear that I DO want to work abroad for a couple months
- Initiate discussion about masters programs
- Look for training courses
- Clarify something instead of assume they meant something else
- Join the gym - thats the first step
- Eat better
- Hot oil treatment for my hair once a week
- Stop drinking fizzy drinks
- Have 1 cup of coffee a day
- Drink more green tea
- Weekly manicure/pedicure and treatment every other week
- Finish Roactane schedule (for the 3rd time cuz I get too lazy to finish)
- Floss
- Use sunblock
- Show people that I love how much I love them
- Stop getting upset over silly things
- Stop being a "tease"
- Continue giving advice
- Dont trust everyone
- Stop talking when you really have nothing to say
- Think before you do anything
- Stop doing something when you really don't want to
- Appreciate the friends I have
- Push the bad out
3afya 3ala bnytna :D
im sure at least 50% of that list will be done/in the process of doing by may! H you just need to add "VISIT JOOJ IN LONDON" to that list and it will be the perfect masterpiece you dreamt of xx
Omg, I did a list like this last year and I did pretty much nothing on the list :/ So this year I'll refrain from making a list and see how it goes :p
But I like your list - very ambitious ;)
JooJ : LoL .. we keep breaking our promises to visit each other .. but 2009 is gonna be different
Taqo : LoL .. ambitious doesn't sound too promising .. thats why i made it more general so that in 360 days i look over and can point at a few things and say .. yes .. i think i did : )
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