Dec 22, 2008

50 Things I Want To Do in 2009

Seeing as time just DOESN'T stop or slow down for anybody .. here are my New Year's Resolutions:


  1. Worry less
  2. Be less scared and more confident
  3. Make monthly goals
  4. Create a vision board
  5. Finish room
  6. Try to be less materialistic (keyword: TRY)
  7. Save some money
  8. Keep smiling because if I show that you're happy, I might even trick yourself into believing it at the worst times
  9. Give 50% of my clothes to charity because really, overflowing closets doesn't mean I love what's in there
  10. Do one good deed a day


  1. Know that not everything is in my hands
  2. Never stop wishing - know that wishing doesnt mean it will actually happen
  3. Visit my father's side of the family at least once a month
  4. Be much more patient
  5. Help my mother more with her work
  6. Help my brother with his school work
  7. Keep in touch with the London division of my family
  8. Frame meaningful pictures and display them around the house
  9. Try to go on family vacations
  10. Leave stubborness aside


  1. Focus on the deals I'm getting
  2. Pass my CFA by studying and going to all my classes (and not be scared to ask questions)
  3. Take more notes
  4. Show my manager how responsible I can be
  5. Be confident enough to speak more at external meetings
  6. Take a deal to the next level
  7. Make it clear that I DO want to work abroad for a couple months
  8. Initiate discussion about masters programs
  9. Look for training courses
  10. Clarify something instead of assume they meant something else


  1. Join the gym - thats the first step
  2. Eat better
  3. Hot oil treatment for my hair once a week
  4. Stop drinking fizzy drinks
  5. Have 1 cup of coffee a day
  6. Drink more green tea
  7. Weekly manicure/pedicure and treatment every other week
  8. Finish Roactane schedule (for the 3rd time cuz I get too lazy to finish)
  9. Floss
  10. Use sunblock


  1. Show people that I love how much I love them
  2. Stop getting upset over silly things
  3. Stop being a "tease"
  4. Continue giving advice
  5. Dont trust everyone
  6. Stop talking when you really have nothing to say
  7. Think before you do anything
  8. Stop doing something when you really don't want to
  9. Appreciate the friends I have
  10. Push the bad out


jooj said...

3afya 3ala bnytna :D
im sure at least 50% of that list will be done/in the process of doing by may! H you just need to add "VISIT JOOJ IN LONDON" to that list and it will be the perfect masterpiece you dreamt of xx

Taqo said...

Omg, I did a list like this last year and I did pretty much nothing on the list :/ So this year I'll refrain from making a list and see how it goes :p

But I like your list - very ambitious ;)

H said...

JooJ : LoL .. we keep breaking our promises to visit each other .. but 2009 is gonna be different


Taqo : LoL .. ambitious doesn't sound too promising .. thats why i made it more general so that in 360 days i look over and can point at a few things and say .. yes .. i think i did : )