Nov 16, 2008

Old Wives Tale

So I know this is going to be an iffy issue and you guys are probably gonna be like, why are you writing about this? But for some reason, I want to discuss tampons

Ever since we were kids ilahal always said that tampons are for "7reem m3arsat basssssss." So I came to terms that once a month for a good week I couldn't go swimming and would have to constantly worry about leaking and have to endure the feeling of downright ickiness *ya .. its a word it* .. so the other day I was looking through my bag that my mum had borrowed and I noticed there were a couple cutie pie tampons that were tinyyyyy ..

They looked so harmless .. and then i started thinking .. "Really?? I can lose my virginity by that??!!" Virginity is not an issue I toy around with though so I put it away so my usual curious self didn't take any unnecessary risks

Throughout university I realized that a few of my friends started using them .. and I am 98% sure (cuz there's always that 2% of unsureness) that they are innocent little girls like myself .. So I asked one of them a few weeks back and she told me that the little cutie pie tampon does not take one's virginity ..

Again .. I was dreadfully curious .. but again .. I don't play around with these things .. but really .. what do you guys think?


doona said...

wallah ive read somewhere that the chance that u will rupture your hymen is very low...but the thing is the chance is still there hehe

H said...

dandooon : ive read that theres no way .. so i read on the box one time while i was waiting for the bathroom to free up .. ad its 89a 6weeeeeeeeeeeela 3ree'6aaaaaaa to pt it in .. mayswa 3laina! LoL

Provocative Lady said...
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Provocative Lady said...

i hate calling you H u know how many times i had to delet your name ,anyways back to me7war
7adethna ITS HARMLESS think about it if it was 1000s of women would have sued them and i know some girls who come from a very strict families and virginity was a massive issue 2them and the used it... my 13years old cuzin uses it but oh wait she is a lil slut that one i should not use her as an example.

H said...

cute fish: hahahahahahahaha .. its ok darling .. u can call me by my name :p .. thats the thing .. my friend who uses it comes from a hideously strict family .. so i was confused

hahahahaha .. i cant get over ur comment about ur cousin ..

Bliss said...

you won't lose your virginity by using a tampon.

here's what i found concerning the breaking of the hymen..

Hymens come in various shapes and designs. If your hymen is still intact and shaped like a person-hole cover, or a septum (a thin line of skin which divides the center of the vaginal opening, as does the septum of our nose), then this thin membrane of skin may stretch or break. On the other hand, if you have a hymen shaped like a crescent moon around the bottom or side of the vaginal opening, then tampons may not interfere at all. Interestingly, not all women are born with hymens, and hymens can break without women knowing it. Strenuous activities, such as bicycle riding, horseback riding, stretching, or dancing, can also cause the hymen to break. Lastly, a woman's hymen could have already been broken or stretched by sexual activity, even if she has not had a penis inside of her.

hope this helps :)

H said...

bliss : thanks darling .. now the only thing left is to figure out what kind of hymen we have .. hahah

jooj said...

put the tampon down and walk away slowly :P and as far as i know tampons will make you "5arbana" :PPPP and we don't want no 5arbana's now do we?!?!?

jooj said...

and plus ive known you mn mta w i dnt recall you going swimming on a daily basis woman :P

H said...

JooJ : ymkn ive developed a new found sense of fishness and would like to go swimming .. a9lan for some reason doodat iltanning matyee ilee o ilsit ilhanim mawjooda .. hahahaha .. and no :( mabi 5arabanaas eitherrrr