I've never remembered a time where I wasn't either on or getting a diet .. I always lose the weight .. then within a month of compliments and gorgeously fitting jeans .. I gain it back .. plus some ..
Why do I want to lose the weight now? Everyone seems to want to lose the weight for this person's wedding .. or to get married .. well for me .. its everything .. I have jeans that would look THAT much hotter if I lost a few here and there .. my cousin's wedding is coming up and my entireeee familia has been on a diet since ramadan .. I don't really want to get married at this very moment but it would be nice to feel better about myself ..
Don't get me wrong .. im not one of those who obsess over my weight .. Let me make one thing straight .. I'm hot .. If I lost 20 kgs or if I gained 20 .. I've been blessed with a ridiculous amount of self-confidence that is harmful to my health .. bas im not 5agaga .. i dont adore myself like one of my darrrrrrling friends .. ahem ahem .. J?? but I feel that I'm ok with myself and any point of my life
So other day I was a friend's birthday celebration (this is the ONLY person i'll allow to cel

So I overexcitedly responded .. REALLY!!!! She's like ya!! your hair and your face!! that was a polite way of her saying that I'm fat ..
So please .. if you see me eating something besides the boxed items that are delivered to my door .. slap me ..
I'm gonna look like Giselle in a month .. you wait and see .. (crossing my fingers)
and now the only thing im worried about is how I'm gonna finish all the junk in my office drawer .. I dont share .. but i cant possiblyyyyy eat a whole bag of Reeses Pieces M&Ms, Laffy Taffy, Crunch, Baby Ruth, Seaweed Rice Crackers (chftoo kaif ana healthy?? :p) ..
Yes..because Giselle = fat :p
Good luck NOT eating the candy!
You know what's a crazy diet, Beyonce's Cayenne Pepper/Lemonade one.
Supposedly works..hmm..
i want gisele's height =(
i'll be satisfied with that.. no need for her weight, hair, or even her gorgeously smooth and tanned skin.. la2.. only her height!
atleast you look like her :)
thats alwasy a good start :)
and wait - the chillis salad isnt good for weight loss??
oh well, i guess ill just go eat real food since its all the same ;)
you'll always look like giselle to meeee H!! and I DON'T ADORE MYSELF .. well I do.. but not ridiculously.. y3ne were equal in terms of self confidence and self adoration.. goodluck on your diet.. whens the "free day" this time.. hahaha does "jocky" ring a bell :P
noonz : dont u dare .. get out of my blog! hahaha .. and ya i heard that one actually works .. but do i really wanna do that? id rather become bulimic .. actually .. with that diet ill probably become bulimic cuz of how muc id be throwing up
a journal entry : i think giselle is God's gift to mankind .. i want it all! haha
dandooon : maybe they were trying to make me feel good .. i think the only thing me and giselle have in common is a big nose and one hell of a tan .. haha
jooj : dont lie .. STOP LYING!! haha .. and no .. i want biella for my free day .. they have this new meatball risotto thingy .. hmm .. i mightttt write a blog about it .. hahah
yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay 7abeebti enshala enshalla :*
me2 i wana lose weight i gained wayed in rumthaan!!!
khaleena enshje3 ba3th :)
how much u wana lose??
did u join a gym? :D
palomino : well .. my diet officially starts on saturday evening .. thats when the food starts coming .. LoL .. fa inshAllah that week i'll get a gym membership b3ad .. o i wanna lose 100 kgs .. LoL .. no im just kidding .. abi anzil 15 kgs .. i gaineddddd fee ramadan as well!! ppl who lose weight in ramadan annoy me :p .. fa yalla! we can do it!!
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