Happy Halloween everyone!! So growing up in an American school, I got the perks of both sides. I fast Ramadan, celebrate Eid Al Fi6r, dress up for Halloween, have turkey for Thanksgiving, at7ana for Eid Al A'67a, decorate my mini-tree for Christmas, put a lot of though of where I want to celebrate new years, buy gifts for Valentines Day (but im against wearing red or pink or hearts .. cuz thats gay), organize egg-hunts for my younger cousins after hours of egg-painting for Easter .. did I miss a holiday? I dont think so .. those are the only holidays I enjoy .. I know I know .. you dont have to tell me its 7aram o 3nd ilmuslimeen bas 3ndna 3eedain .. I get it .. but I love getting excited about holidays and planning what I'm gonna do and celebrating .. (so shoot me)
So today I wanted to dress up as a tranny-tweety .. Yes .. the little yellow bird as J referred to it. I'm gonna put a huge (obviously made by an Arab, cuz it just looks like a chick) Tweety head and wear a dress .. i know .. clever (>,<) butttt .. thanks to

I promised I'd update you on my stressful sillybillies:
1) event: i started making my phone calls last week and i'm going to finish my proposal this weekend
2) diet: going really well 7mdilla .. dinner today and breakfast and lunch tomorrow are free meals! :D .. but i reallllllly need to start working out for this process to go faster
3) work: im kicking ass .. im finally being aggressive at work and started working on 5 companies instead of the half i was working on before
so thats all i have time for today .. ill tell you how halloween went!
happy trick or treating
nice nice ;)
bet you were the star of the party ;)
hahahaha i thought i saw a puddy tat! :P
H-oooh I must update you on something that has been annoying us quite a bit the past week w9alt 7ady banfjr ok hatha mb mkana bas 9j 9j call me stupid uk phone mafe credit w i lost my qtri sim carddddd aaaaaaaargh
hahaha H i celebrate kelshi ba3ad any excuse to party ;)
dandooon : thanks darling :) .. the noise got kind of annoying though .. and the sad thing is i was soooo tired by 9:30 :(
jooj : LoL .. status - updated ;)
cute fish : exactlyyyy
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