(yes .. their shirts DO say GODHATESFAGS.COM)
.. I have been blessed with a great family and an amazing group of friends that im madly in love with .. so I really hope this is PMS and not some other fatal disease I'm getting .. but as you can see from my last post .. I'm stressing myself out .. Stressing myself out is making me very depressed .. and when I'm depressed I know the ONLY person in this world that understands me and will put up with me is my best friend .. lets call her Laham .. I'm at a point of my life right now where everything has changed so quickly and I've been pretty emotional about all the changes .. so I decided to write this post about how much i love my best friend ..
Laham and I have been friends since we were in the womb .. at least thats what it feels like .. we've been friends since KG2 .. (refer to the first picture: that was a picture our babas and mamas took on our first day to kindergarten, im the one on the short chubby one on the left and she's the tall slim one on the right) we went to the same school for 13 years and experienced almost everything together .. from the minute we realized we were snobby spoilt arab kids to the infatuation we both had for meat and the disposal process of meat (if u get my drift) .. when boys and girls were exchanging huge toblerones for birthday gifts me and her were exchanging Dior .. her family became mine and mine became hers .. we travelled together .. pigged out together .. worked out together .. cried together .. made fun of each other crying together .. laughed together and were there for each other when we were scheming something naughty .. a friendship like that .. lasts (inshAllah)
so time was up and we were filling out university applications .. she was filling them out for cities half way across where i was gonna be .. we didn't realize that we were actually going to be separated .. it was time that we graduated together .. fate is a funny thing .. at our high school graduation we couldn't choose who to walk in with .. but we were all friends back in high school (if i remember correctly) so we didn't really mind .. when the list came out it was just our luck that we were going to walk in together
university came and it was horrible (for me at least) thinking that i wasn't going to be around my best friend .. we both ignored the fact that there was something called time zones and would call each other to keep us updated .. naturally .. she wasn't informed of every detail of my life and vice versa .. but the minute im about to break down and can't even breath i reach for my phone and dial her number .. im lying .. i dont dial it cuz i obviously dont have a 20 digit number memorized .. but u get the gist of it .. she always gives me honest advice that I can actually do something with .. and its not just the advice .. its pretty much the fact she's always there for me and i try to come up with snazzy advice for her whenever she needs it ..
i love u laham .. scurry home my bear-handed rascal
PS: Everytime i searched best friends or arab girls .. i would get random pictures of a somewhat pornographic nature .. but i was amazed that every search I typed in I would get this picture on the right .. its a sign .. and me being a strong believer in signs decides that u should all witness it ..
allah e5aleekom 7g ba3ath =)
a good friend can get you through anything ;)
dandooon : anything is right darling :)
ur lucky to have such a great bond even now after being miles appart allah ya khaleekum la ba3ath inshallah
a best friend is all u need in life the one thing other than a good hair clip,a dress that makes u feel 20 kilos lighter and last but not least family :)
and chanel :)
duboo : i have to save for a chanel .. i dont know how comfortable i am with the fact that their prices go up on a daily basis .. haha .. there is definitely something wrong with the system ..
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