- how incapable i seem to be at understanding the basics of finance (i am a financial analyst)
- ive been trying to get STARTED on planning a huge event that will promote awareness of speech disorders and raise money for my mother's speech disorders centre
- i need to change my room because everytime i walk in it, i get utterly depressed
- i started my diet and i need to join a gym
- i hate boys
- i am bored
- i have gel on my nails and im trying not to rip off my right pointer finger's one cuz its kinda coming off

ok enough .. so let me go into a little more detail about a few of my thoughts that have been stressing me out
first thing-a-ma-jig: the department's head analyst gives us financial exercises every now and then to keep our financial skills fresh .. so last sunday he gave me my first problem and he said: "This shouldn't take you more than a couple hours, because it's very basic, while the others could take you a few weeks at a time." That was last week. Am I done? No! Why? Because I never paid attention in any of my finance courses (I graduated with a degree in Finance/Economics .. (>_<) but that doesnt mean i know anything in finance!!) So here I am .. sitting all alone .. not knowing how to get NPV=0 to get my IRR ..
second thing-a-ma-jig: i want to plan the mother of all events to promote my mother's speech and language disorders centre, raise awareness of the increasing problem of speech impediments in the gulf, give gulf-based designers the opportunity to showcase their designs and gather the UAE's most charitable and fashioned society .. now .. WHERE DO I START?? i broke down the event into approximately 15 different major tasks that could be put into 8 dedicated teams .. i can't think of ANYONE to help me though .. and anytime i bring up this idea a few people tell me they'd help out and im like .. no seriously .. i WILL ask you for help .. u best help!!
third thing-a-ma-jig: my room is a mess .. it looks like my parents have been accumulating their 100 year old furniture that does NOT match or feel zen-like in any manner and pile it into my room .. i have a desk fullllll of STUFF .. mama runs around the globe and buys a bunch of stuff that she then puts onto this desk .. old "new" perfumes that she saves for occassions that are still wrapped in their plastic .. old "new" medicine you cant find here that is almost expired because no one used it .. old "new" chocolate that has that white layer of oldness on it when u open it up .. its a mess .. i then have a cupboardy thingy thats full of STUFF too .. i have wallets, belts, hair accessories from back in the day .. honestly .. at least stuff that is 10 years old .. its horrible .. my clothes are overflowing my closet cuz theres no order in my room .. i hate it .. i hate my ugly red couch .. i hate my ugly plain bed .. i hateeeeeeeeeeee that stupid desk .. i hateeeeeeeeeee that stupid cupboard .. i need oprah to help me
fourth thing-a-ma-jig: no need to go into detail .. the underlying theme is that im just lazy
fifth thing-a-ma-jig: no comment (@_@)
sixth thing-a-ma-jig: i need some major excitement in my life .. but i keep cramming ideas into my little red moleskin diary (used by the likes of Oscar Wilde).. and now i bought a black moleskin book for the event .. something is missing .. i dont know what though .. maybe im still broken up about the fact that i missed House Bunny in the cinema :(
seventh thing-a-ma-jig: dont worry .. my nails are undercontrol cuz i have a 5:30 appointment in the salon
im sure there's more .. ill update u ..
depressed with a gun
sheeeeesh youre having a bad day!
the only thing i can tell you is that it happens!
i think once you start cleaqring out your room, you'll feel better instantly. clutter has a negative effect on the nafseya
as for all the stuff you have, the good news is, you can start using them as antiques ;) tra everything comes back n fashion if you give it enough time ;)
dandooon : i know! :( it was a horrible day .. and the horrible-ness is spilling over to today!! and i really need someone to de-clutter my room .. or i wanna have a sex and the city-esque decluttering with champange (substituting that for sparkling grape juice) and friends and a show!
Oh HHHHH!! i <3 youuuuuu and your broken nails and your red couch and your expired chocolates and your financial crap that I don't even bother to attempt to understand! smile bizzatch coz joooj loves you! xx
jooj : :D :D :D :D .. LoL .. i love u too 7bibti .. o fallllllch 6ayeb .. kil hay ilashya2 bayeeblch for ur new apartment madaminch u love them! :p
my depressing posts must have rubbed off on u lol j/k
we all have our ups and down but i tell u if u sort out ur room from all the clutter u\r gona feel sooooooo much better and everything else will fall into place :)
im just around the corner if u ever need a helping hand got nothing else to bloody do so :)
duboo : i think ur bad vibes did latch onto me! :( .. haha .. take them back duboo!! LoL .. and i realllllly think im just waiting for oprah to have pity on me and send that gay cookie to give me a
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